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CSU is Associated With a High Burden and Impact on Quality of Life

Dr. Casale discusses delays in diagnosing CSU, the impact of severe itch on daily life and mental health, and the challenges in achieving remission.

Thomas Casale
Thomas Casale

Learning objectives

  • Recognize the impact of delayed diagnosis in CSU
  • Acknowledge comorbidities and autoantibodies
  • Explore the impact of debilitating itch on patients’ QoL


The discussion emphasizes delays (sometimes lasting up to a couple of years) in the diagnosis of CSU and the impact of debilitating itch on sleep and daily life, often leading to mental health issues. The disease, which can persist for over a decade in many patients, presents challenges in achieving remission.

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About this expert


Thomas Casale


Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics; Chief of Clinical and Translational Research, University of South Florida, Tampa, United States

See author’s profile
Thomas Casale

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