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Bullous Pemphigoid (BP): Don't Miss the Diagnosis

This static infographic covers the clinical presentations, diagnostic challenges, and disease burden of bullous pemphigoid (BP), a chronic relapsing autoimmune skin disease. Review the steps of diagnosis, which include clinical assessment and laboratory work. Explore comorbidities associated with BP and how they impact patient quality of life.


Learning objectives

  • Learn about the clinical presentations of bullous pemphigoid (BP), the diagnostic challenges, and the disease burden.


Learn about the clinical presentations, diagnostic challenges, and disease burden of bullous pemphigoid (BP), a chronic relapsing autoimmune skin disease.  Review the steps of diagnosis, which include clinical assessment and laboratory work. Explore comorbidities associated with BP and how it impacts patient quality of life.

MAT-US-2410518 v1.0 - P Exp Date: 10/22/2026

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