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Connecting the Dots: Novel Insights on Type 2 Cytokines Mediating Neuroimmune Dysregulation in PN and CSU

Dr. Kim discusses the roles of type 2 cytokines at the neuroimmune axis In PN and CSU and conveys how neuroimmune interactions give rise to chronic itch and skin lesions in each disease

Brian Kim
Brian Kim

Learning objectives

  • Understand the multifaceted actions of type 2 cytokines in mediating neuroimmune interactions
  • Learn how bidirectional interactions between immune cells and neurons, including neurosensitization and neurogenic inflammation contribute to chronic itch and inflammation in PN and CSU
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About this expert


Brian Kim


Professor, Vice Chair of Research, and Site Chair of Mount Sinai West, Icahn School of Medicine, NY, US

See author’s profile
Brian Kim

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