Dermatologist Elaine Seigfried discusses burden & therapeutic landscape of pediatric atopic dermatitis
In the ADVENT symposium at the 2023 World Congress of Dermatology, entitled “Atopic Dermatitis (AD) in Children: Early Intervention Can Reduce Long-term Disease Impact” experts Amy Paller, MD (Northwestern University, USA), Mark Koh, MD (KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital, Singapore), Stephan Weidinger, MD, PhD (Christian-Albrecht University, Kiel, Germany) and Elaine Siegfried, MD (Saint Louis University School of Medicine, USA), delved into the challenges and advancements in the management of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis in pediatric patients. The presentations emphasized the significance of targeting type 2 inflammation, explored implications for disease course modification during childhood, and provided insights into emerging treatment options and practical management strategies for children with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.
Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Dermatology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, US
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