Watch ADVENT now: Dermatologist Stephan Weidinger explores the pathophysiology and current unmet needs in pediatric atopic dermatitis
In the ADVENT symposium at the 2023 World Congress of Dermatology, entitled “Atopic Dermatitis (AD) in Children: Early Intervention Can Reduce Long-term Disease Impact” experts Amy Paller, MD (Northwestern University, USA), Mark Koh, MD (KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital, Singapore), Stephan Weidinger, MD, PhD (Christian-Albrecht University, Kiel, Germany) and Elaine Siegfried, MD (Saint Louis University School of Medicine, USA), delved into the challenges and advancements in the management of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis in pediatric patients. The presentations emphasized the significance of targeting type 2 inflammation, explored implications for disease course modification during childhood, and provided insights into emerging treatment options and practical management strategies for children with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.
Professor and Chair for Dermatology at the Christian-Albrechts-University; Director of the Department of Dermatology and Allergy at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Germany
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