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Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is a Type 2 Inflammatory Disease

Discover the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in atopic dermatitis.

Learning objectives

  • Discover how type 2 inflammatory cytokines are dysregulated in atopic dermatitis, and how they drive signs and symptoms
  • Delve into how barrier dysfunction promotes exposure to environmental factors such as microbes and irritants
  • Examine how type 2 inflammatory cytokines are involved in sensitizing neurons to pruritogens, which drives chronic pruritus in atopic dermatitis


This infographic explores the involvement of dysregulated type 2 inflammatory cytokines in the various pathophysiological processes associated with atopic dermatitis, such as epidermal barrier dysfunction and chronic pruritus.

MAT-GLB-2304294 V2 08/2023

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