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ATS 2024 | Type 2 Inflammation in the Pathophysiology of Asthma and COPD: What Is It and How Does It Impact Patients?

Join leading experts for an educational symposium where they delve into the clinical consequences and real-world patient burden of type 2 inflammation in asthma and COPD.

Stephanie  Christenson
Nicola A. Hanania
Mario Castro
Stephanie Christenson +2 more

Learning objectives

  • Understand the shared and unique disease burden in COPD with type 2 inflammation and moderate-to-severe asthma
  • Identify the role of type 2 inflammation in the pathophysiology of moderate-to-severe asthma and COPD with type 2 inflammation
  • Differentiate between the clinical manifestations of type 2 inflammation in moderate-to-severe asthma and COPD with type 2 inflammation using real-world patient cases


Join Dr. Nicola Hanania, Dr. Stephanie Christenson, and Dr. Mario Castro as they explore the shared and unique pathophysiological features of type 2 inflammation--driven asthma and COPD and the real-world impact on patients. 

MAT-US-2405463 v1.0 - P Exp Date: 05/16/2026

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