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ERS 2023 | Pediatric Asthma Symposium: Patient Case Discussion

Join pediatric asthma experts Prof. Giorgio Piacentini and Dr. Sharon Dell for an educational program on the topic of remission in pediatric asthma.

Giorgio Piacentini
Sharon Dell
Giorgio Piacentini +1 more

Learning objectives

  • Understand the progression of underlying disease in pediatric severe asthma
  • Learn about real-world treatment plans for pediatric patients with progressive asthma into adolescence
  • Discuss biologic efficacy in the potential components of on-treatment clinical remission for pediatric severe asthma


In this video highlight of the ADVENT pediatric asthma symposium at ERS 2023, Giorgio Piacentini, MD, PhD, and Sharon Dell, MD, FRCPC, dive into a patient case, examining the metrics used to assess lung function and treatment plans.

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