Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Calgary; co-founder and co-director of Skin Health & Wellness Centre at the Dermphi Centre and Dermatology Research Institute, Canada
Vimal Prajapati, MD, is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Calgary and co-founder and co-director of Skin Health & Wellness Centre at the Dermphi Centre and Dermatology Research Institute. He also started several initiatives, including multidisciplinary pediatric morphea, pediatric scleroderma, and pediatric psoriasis clinics as rapid access psoriasis and rapid access eczema clinics in Calgary, plus rural outreach psoriasis and rural outreach eczema clinics.
He has received 20 major awards, is the author of one textbook chapter, has published 43 peer-reviewed manuscripts in print or electronic format, and has presented 48 abstracts at scientific meetings regionally, nationally, and internationally. He also conducts clinical trials for both adults and children, with participation in a total of 69 studies as an investigator or steering committee member.