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Eric Bateman


Professor of Medicine | University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa; Founder | UCT Lung Institute; Head of the Division of Pulmonology | Department of Medicine at UCT and Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa

Eric Bateman


Eric Bateman, MD, MBChB, FRCS, DCH, FERS, is an Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa. He is the Founder and former Director of the UCT Lung Institute and Head of the Division of Pulmonology in the Department of Medicine at UCT and Groote Schuur Hospital. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, an elected Fellow of UCT, a Founding Fellow of the European Respiratory Society, an honorary life Fellow of the South African Thoracic Society, and an A-rated researcher (National Research Foundation of South Africa). Prof. Bateman’s research interests include the pharmacology and management of asthma, and community-based interventions to improve the care of patients with chronic respiratory diseases.  
Prof. Bateman has received numerous awards including a Fellowship in the Art and Science of Medicine from the South African Medical Association, the President’s Award from the European Thoracic Society for his global contribution to Respiratory Medicine, the Alan Pifer Award from the University of Cape Town for outstanding welfare-related research, and the World Lung Health Award from the American Thoracic Society for contribution to improving world lung health through translational and implementation research. He is a member of the Board and Science Committee of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) and has served three terms as President of the South African Thoracic Society. He has authored more than 400 peer-reviewed scientific publications. 

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