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Type 2 Inflammation and Neuronal Sensitization in AD and PN

Mechanisms of itch in normal skin and the effect of type 2 inflammation on neurons leading in perpetuating itch in atopic dermatitis and prurigo nodularis.

Learning objectives

  • Understand the mechanisms of sensory neurons interacting with pruritogens released from immune cells and generating an itch signal to the brain leading to scratching in acute itch
  • Identify the key type 2 cytokines involved in neurosensitization (IL-4 and IL-13)
  • Review the effect of type 2 inflammation on the mechanisms of itch generation in AD and PN


This interactive tool outlines the neuroimmune axis interactions, itch signal generation, and processing in the CNS that lead to itch in normal skin, and the effect of type 2 inflammation and key type 2 cytokines on the susceptibility of neurons to pruritogens (neurosensitization) that leads to chronic itch in AD and PN.

MAT-US-2301687 v4.0 P - Exp Date: 05/26/2025

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