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On demand events

ERS 2023 | Adult Asthma Symposium | Evolving Patient Care: From Symptom Control to On-Treatment ​Clinical Remission​

The ADVENT adult asthma symposium at ERS 2023 is now available on demand

Ian D. Pavord
Francesca Puggioni
Ian D. Pavord +1 more

On demand materials

Learning objectives

  • Discuss the components of the evolving definition of on-treatment clinical remission in asthma
  • Evaluate the latest data supporting achievement of on-treatment clinical remission with biologics in severe asthma patients
  • Understand how type 2 inflammatory biomarkers can be useful in identifying patients and managing their asthma with on-treatment clinical remission as the goal
MAT-GLB-2304095 v2.0 10/2023

About these experts